Mr. Field is the immediate past chairman of The Everglades Foundation Board of Directors. He is the fifth generation of a Chicago family whose activities have included merchandising, real estate, publishing, communications, and civic affairs. He is Chairman of the Board of The Field Corporation and President of The Old Mountain Company, Inc. He is a graduate of Harvard College and has served as publisher of the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Daily news. Field was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Art Institute from 1965 to 2012 and a member of the Board of Trustees of Rush University Medical Center since 1970. In 2010, Mr. and Mrs. Field converted the Jamee and Marshall Field Foundation, which focuses on environmental and conservation issues, the arts and culture, education, and health care, to a donor advised endowment fund. Mr. Field is a member of the Board of Directors of the Field Foundation of Illinois, World Wildlife Fund, and the Atlantic Salmon Federation.