With Gratitude
We appreciate and recognize the following donors for their pioneering support of our new Endowment Fund, established to ensure the long-term sustainability of The Everglades Foundation and perpetual protection of America’s Everglades.
Our deepest gratitude to those who have contributed to the John Marshall Fund and Nathaniel P. Reed Fund.
The Lew and Dawn Allyn Family Fund Endowment
The Ashken Family Charitable Foundation
Mrs. George M. Barley, Jr.
Diana Barrett and Bob Vila
The Batchelor Foundation
Karen H. Bechtel and William M. Osborne
Ranlet S. Bell and Frank Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bohannon
Harrison and Nancy Buck Fund of the
Princeton Area Community Foundation
Chris and Marguerite Buckley
Ann M. Calder and Donald G. Calder
Barbara Whitney Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coletti
The William Cox Family
Endowment Fund
Crawford Taylor Foundation
The R H Cushman Family Endowment
for Science and Education
Dalio Philanthropies
Tom Davidson, Sr.
Carlos and Claudia de la Cruz, Jr.
Nancy J. De Lisi
Susanne and Douglas D. Durst
Jennifer and Joe Duke
Enterprise Mobility Foundation
Leslie and Greg Ferrero
Jamee Field †
Marshall Field V
Marshall Field VI
Harold R. Foote/Sheryl Cryan Foote Endowed Fund
The Frisbie Family
Gabelli Funds
Danielle and David Ganek
The Paul V. Gerlach Endowment Fund
Abby and Lloyd Gerry
Ellin Goetz and Michael Watkins
Chae and Gregory Haile
John R. and Donna S. Hall Endowment for
Education and Science
Rex and Béryl Hamilton
Edward Hamm, Jr.
Harding Family Foundation
Stephanie and John Harris
Julia and John A. Hilton, Jr.
Hostetler / Wrigley Foundation
Lou and Joan Jacobs
Sonia and Paul Jones
Jamee Field Kane and Michael Kane
Judy and John Keller
Dr. James A. Kushlan and Kirsten Hines
Garrison duP. Lickle
John W. Madigan
Mrs. John A. (Nancy) Marshall
The McCausland Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCormack
Molly and David McGrath
Kimberly and Eric Mendelson
Jon and Beth Mills
Barbara and Jack Nicklaus
Octavia Foundation/Nancy Rutter Clark Fund
Bill and Dedie Nutt
Robert L. Parks
Ruth S. Perfido and Leonard P. Perfido
The James and Gaye Pigott
Endowment Fund
Rauner Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Reed
Mrs. Nathaniel Reed †
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Reed, Jr.
Gail and Jim Riepe
Bill Riley
Jack and Linda Salisbury
Trust Under the Will of John G. Searle as
recommended by Michael and Nydia Searle
Lynne and Chip Shotwell
Manning J. Smith III and Virginia Smith on behalf of
The Henry M. Rowan Family Foundation
Mike and Jeannie Sole
Mac and Hannah Stone
Giselle Wagner and Paul Myerson
Gary Wendt Endowment Fund
Mac and Catherine Willett
Ken Wilson and Ann Jackson

Protect the Everglades Now & Forever
Through The Everglades Foundation’s leadership, the world’s largest ecosystem restoration project will be a model for the rest of the globe. As we continue to aggressively push restoration to completion, we also need to pivot to protection, because the encroaching threats to the Everglades will always exist.
That's what inspired our Foundation's three-year $75 million endowment campaign, which started in 2022 and surpassed its goal by raising $76 million by the end of 2024. This successful campaign is a new beginning for The Everglades Foundation and America's Everglades because it enables us to look to the future with confidence, assured that there will always be top scientists, policy experts and educators working on behalf of this national treasure.
We will continue to grow this endowment fund so we can look to the future with confidence. Those who generously contribute to our endowment will leave a magnificent legacy — a legacy of protection — and the assurance that there will always be passionate people armed with state-of-the-art scientific data, fully dedicated to ensuring the survival and sustainability of America’s beloved Everglades for generations to come.
With deep appreciation,

Marshall Field V
Endowment Campaign Committee Chairman

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