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Southwest Florida Businesses Learn How to Preserve Paradise

Wink News, September 4, 2024

Keeping our paradise, a paradise, an “on-site” educational program aims to teach business owners about water quality and how it affects their businesses.

WINK News anchor Claire Galt had the opportunity to tag along for the experience.

Captain Daniel Andrews wasn’t catching his breakfast or his dinner Tuesday morning.

He caught a little pig fish and a puffer fish to show these business owners what a healthy ecosystem looks like.

“The seagrass here is well flushed. Didn’t catch a lot of algae, right?” said Andrews.

Andrew’s students? Business leaders in Lee County with a common goal: Preserving Paradise.

“To give a truly immersive experience into the water quality issues from the science side, the policy side, the advocacy side, to where these business leaders could come spend seven or eight days with us and really understand the ins and outs,” said Andrews, “and ultimately become advocators and ambassadors for the cause.”


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